Livingstone Range School Division
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Career Practitioners Build Connections

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The annual Cannexus Career Conference brings together over 1700 career professionals from around the globe to learn from each other and establish strong networks within career development circles. In the case of LRSD Career Practitioners, Lettie Croskery and Christy Bazell, they are all about building resources and connections to create a solid career services department for LRSD families!

Recently, Lettie had the opportunity to present at Cannexus with her session entitled: "Fearless career development in rural K-12 education" highlighting the initiatives of our career services team to promote career development to students at all grade levels. The session was attended by 70 delegates from across Canada, eager to hear our story and learn how LRSD Career Practitioners are working 'fearlessly' to connect with parents, colleagues, and fundamentally students in creative and meaningful ways!

The connections Lettie established at Cannexus '22 have provided benefits to LRSD staff already! Three previous Cannexus presenters were featured in Lettie's Interschool Collaboration session held on March 18 entitled "What's happening in Career Development these days?". The presenters included:

If you wish to connect with your student's Career Practitioner to learn more about what services they provide within Livingstone Range School Division, please contact them at:

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