LRSD Schools Excel in Provincial OHS Inspections
Posted onIn October, three schools in Livingstone Range School Division participated in the province-wide K-12 school inspection program performed by the Ministry of Labour & Immigration - Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Division.
An Occupational Health and Safety Officer came to each of the three schools and met with the school Principal, the school's OHS site contact, the local ATA President, LRSD Superintendent Darryl Seguin, LRSD Coordinator of Facilities Greg Gorzitza, and LRSD Health & Safety Coordinator Laura Stocker.
Together, the group discussed the Division's policies and procedures that pertain to health and safety to ensure compliance with the OHS Act, Regulation, and Code. They reviewed the control measures the schools have implemented based on the requirements/recommendations from the AHS Medical Officer of Health in the Re-Entry guidelines specific to COVID-19.
On a tour of the schools, the inspection included observing the control measures in place such as hand sanitizer locations, plexiglass barriers, signage on doors as well as throughout the schools, arrows and ‘wait here’ buttons, mask use, physical distancing barriers, and visitor sign-in logs to name a few.
Health & Safety Coordinator Laura Stocker comments on the inspections:
"Our schools did excellent! The provincial OHS Officer was very impressed by our staff, our occupational health and safety policies and procedures, as well as the COVID-19 specific control measures."
"During this pandemic we have learned many things. We have a greater appreciation for the little things such as a hug or the smell of fresh air. But health and safety never takes a break. It is with us at work, at home, at play and at rest. It is a team effort."
By working together, we can continue to promote healthy and safe schools, communities, and families.