FACES Summer 2021
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Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that the FACES Summer Education Program will run this summer. Using a 3-phase approach that allows for flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, students will be able to build community, develop self-awareness and empowerment, and experience new opportunities all while earning high school credits.
The FACES leadership team has worked to develop three phases which will allow the program to run in the summer of 2021:
- Phase 1 - Online. Small groups of students meet online and are led by group leaders in a variety of course activities and projects. Students involve their family in meaningful outdoor activities and reflective projects. Creating new friends and a new healthy, support-structure can still happen and is an important part of FACES. One week. Students are eligible for 5 credits.
- Phase 2 - Blended. Online course activities and projects as in Phase 1, with the addition of two outdoor adventure days (no overnight stay). The quality online experience coupled with two days of outdoor adventure will leave a lasting impact. One week. Students are eligible for 5 credits.
- Phase 3 - In-Person. Groups of students meet in-person for course activities and projects. Developing new friendships, course activities and projects, and experiencing daily outdoor adventures such as canoeing, rock climbing/rappelling, hiking, etc. will be an unforgettable experience. One week. Students are eligible for 10 credits.
“Many students, parents, and staff members were disappointed last summer when the FACES program was cancelled due to COVID-19,” says Superintendent Darryl Seguin. “We are excited to be able to offer this experience in a way that can still be impactful while committing to safety that has always been important to the FACES program.”
Students currently in Grades 9 and 10 will be eligible to participate this year, giving those who missed out last year an opportunity to experience FACES. Sessions will run from July 5 to August 27, 2021. While FACES will provide a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice of which phase a particular session will be running, government health restrictions may require last-minute adjustments. Any in-person programming will comply with all current COVID-19 safety protocols. The schedule and fee information will be available at registration time, which opens for LRSD Grade 9 and 10 students on March 29, and April 12 for Grade 9 and 10 students across Alberta.
For more information, visit lrsd.ca/faces, faceseducation.com, or facebook.com/FACES.Ed.