Livingstone Range School Division

Responsible Use

All users must follow these rules when utilizing network resources, on school computers or personal devices, including accessing the Internet or using e-mail. Network use is a privilege, not a right. Failing to follow these rules may lead to losing your privileges.

  1. All users will keep their username and login password private.
  2. All users will follow and respect the law and all LRSD policies .
  3. All users will not access, download, save, display, send or receive any inappropriate material.
  4. All users will not use network resources to bully or harass any person. This includes personal attacks, intimidation, gossiping, humiliating, negative comments, threats, harassment and other unkind online activity.
  5. All users will not vandalize any computer or computer system, or try to break computer security.
  6. All users will not use school computers to play games .
  7. All users will respect the copyright on all material accessed by the Internet and will not illegally download material. Materials from the internet must be cited, and you must not copy material protected under copyright law.
  8. All users will follow accepted rules of network etiquette.

Notice to All Users and Parents/Guardians

Any of these types of behaviours may lead to much more severe discipline under our school division’s discipline policy. All LRSD network accounts are the property of LRSD. Files may be inspected and copied and a history of visited sites and utilized services may be searched in the event of suspected violation of this Network Responsible Use Agreement, school rules, or of the policies and regulations of LRSD.