Schulich Leader Scholarship Nominees 2021
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Each year, high school students pursuing post-secondary from across Canada are nominated by a school leader for a chance to win a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) scholarship. Schulich Leader Scholarships provide up to 100 undergraduate scholarships of up to $100,000 each to exceptional young people pursuing their dreams in STEM.
In 2021, four students were nominated for the Schulich Leader Scholarships:
- Taylor Amos, Crowsnest Consolidated High School (pictured top right)
- Megan Slot, Willow Creek Composite High School (pictured top left)
- Mathias Lynch-Staunton, Livingstone School (pictured bottom right)
- Safia Alam, J.T. Foster School (pictured bottom left)
A fifth student, Nick Housenga from F.P. Walshe School, was also nominated but withdrew when the post-secondary program he decided on was not eligible under the program's rules.
Students are nominated on the basis of academic excellence, leadership, entrepreneurial-mindedness, creativity, and financial need and with an intention to pursue a career in technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, and applied scientific research.
"It's an incredible honor to be nominated for this award," says Lettie Croskery, Livingstone Range School Division Career Practitioner. "We have amazing students in our division and are proud of the 2021 nominees."
Nominations permit one high school student from each high school, and Lettie is working with Career Practitioner Christina Bazell on the applications for the 2022 nominees. For more information, speak to either of our Career Practitioners or visit Schulich Leader Scholarships.