Thank You for Your Participation
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At a special meeting on September 2, 2021 the Board of Trustees passed a motion to close schools on September 30 so that families, staff, and students can reflect on and participate in activities related to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and the Calls to Action.
To understand how we can best support all students and staff, Trustees and Senior Administration invited stakeholders to share how we can honor and support Truth and Reconciliation throughout the year.
From September 3 to 20, 113 staff, students, parents, and community members shared 106 thoughts and 1,892 ratings in our online Thoughtexchange tool.
The comments suggest we can honor Truth and Reconciliation in 5 theme areas:
- Learning through Traditional Teachings & Experiences
- Avail ourselves of Elders’ Wisdom & Leadership
- Engaging & Understanding in classrooms and schools
- Learning With & From through professional development
- Recognize September 30: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
View the Summary Report with all the thoughts shared, their ratings, and themes.
Thank you to all those who participated. We will use your feedback at the Division and school levels as we support Truth and Reconciliation in ongoing and meaningful ways.