New Educational Facility in Crowsnest Pass
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An ideal home base for current and future Livingstone Range School Division educational programming will soon be ours. On August 26, 2021 The Board of Trustees voted to purchase the Crowsnest Pass Travel Information Centre and its 4.62 acres of land as an educational site and facility. Located approximately 6 kilometres west of Coleman, on the south side of Highway 3, the property has already hosted the FACES summer education program in July and August of this year, and will become an exceptional facility for place-based programming.
“The Board of Trustees and Senior Administration are absolutely thrilled to acquire this amazing property,” says Board Chair Lori Hodges. “There are so many opportunities for our students to learn and grow right here in the Rocky Mountains of southwestern Alberta.”
The property will be purchased from Alberta Infrastructure for the fair market value of $725,000. Funds will be taken from Divisional capital reserves in compliance with responsible financial and accounting principles.
“We want to assure our stakeholders that no dollars will be taken from classrooms or salaries to pay for this project,” says Lori. “No operational funding will be used and no cuts made to any programs to fund this new educational facility.”
Further details about funding for this project are available on the LRSD website. Operating and maintenance costs will be covered through the revenue received from the programs utilizing the property. Expanded programs being added over time will be developed to ensure there is a cost-recovery element to support any additional expenditures.
In addition to FACES, potentially planned programs include an Environmental Education Centre, International Language Centre, and a Pre-Employment Centre offering certification for first aid, wilderness safety, backcountry touring and more. Additionally, students from across the Division will be able to enjoy field trips and outdoor activities that align with our place-based values.
LRSD students wouldn’t be the only ones to gain from this unique opportunity. The centre will bring tourism, employment opportunities, and environmental stewardship benefits to the area.
“We believe that the economic, social, and environmental benefits to the Crowsnest Pass area will be significant,” says Lori.
The Board of Trustees will use the facility for a meeting in September, and will begin the process of naming this new educational facility and planning for its grand opening.